Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Waisting Time

The pieces for the trousers and blouse have ben cut out. Now there's just some fusing and marking to do andthen I should be ready to sew. The good news? I think I love the wool I'm using for the trousers. It feels lovely, definitely worth the money I paid for it, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get some more to make some trousers for Paul. The even better news? I even have enough left over for a waistcoat.

When I realised that, I dropped everything (I was cutting out the trousers at the time) and ran to my collection of Burda WOFs to see what choice of waistcoats (vests to the Americans) they had.

Waistcoat #1
Waistcoat #2
Waistcoat #3

The current front runners are from left to right:
-- #1) 09/2006 - 128
-- #2) 04/2007 - 115
-- #3) 02/2008 - 116

I'm flipflopping back and forth over which one I want to make. I kind of think #1 iz the sharpest, but I'm also drawn to the others. I don't have enough fabric for the flounces on 3. so I'd have to adapt it to be totally sleeveless -- probably not too hard, since I'll probably be lining it anyway, but still... Right at this moment I'm leaning towards #2. Actually no, wait... 1.
*sigh*. perhaps I should ask myself how I envisage wearing it -- as a top in it's own right, (like #3) or over a shirt, (a la #1), and it's the latter. But that hasn't got fancy pockets! However, I could always add pockets to it, which could be an interesting challenge.
Right, I'm going to take a closer look at the magazine, but right now it looks like I'm going to go with #1 with added welt pockets. Sorted. For the moment.

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