Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Trousers update
That was the point that my voice of reason (bless it) spoke up and told me to stop sewing. I listened to it, which was very wise.
Tonight though, I will be sewing again, and I hope to get the trousers to a state where they're ready to be tried on. Thrilling.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Back to School

Monday, 6 October 2008
I'm (of course) hand-overcasting the seams now. They're pretty much done, so the worst is over. The next project I do is going to be much less work-intensive -- French seams! Ha!
Both the trousers and the blouse are starting to take shape. The blouse facing is in, finished and more or less pressed. It's the sleeves yet, and I just have to figure out if I'm going to add extra reinforcement to the buttonhole area. The blouse fabric is pretty flimsy, so it would probably be wise. The trouser legs are ready to be sewn together. They are quite wide, but I will always be wearing these with heels, so that shouldn't be a problem.
I'm beginning to realise my decision to work on the blouse and trousers simultaneously was a mistake. The intent was to finish both garments at the same time, so that the entire outfit is complete. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but in practice it's too much of a PITA. Bloody multi-tasking -- I get enough of that at work. It means I can't give the garment enough of my attention, because I always have to plan the other one in my head. A bit like cooking two seperate recipes, which have to be ready at the same time. And I know, I know -- I realise this is a self-imposed rule so it's utterly silly for me to fret about it -- but I like the idea of completing an outfit in one go.
It's not going to happen next time though. One item at a time, damn it. Well, more or less, anyway.
Friday, 3 October 2008
BWOF 03/2006

110 and 110 (A jacket and skirt). I like the skirt, but not so sure about the jacket. I do, however, like it in the linedrawing though, although maybe it's a little boxy for my tastes.
106, -- this blouse. There's an interesting effect at the button band, but the busy print they've used in the magazine (for both versions) makes it hard to see. I'm undecided how I feel about high-necked blouses like this. Maybe they're a little prim for me. On the other hand making my wardrobe a little more ladylike it one of my goals.
114 and 115 -- Jacket and skirt. Have I mentioned my deep, abiding love for white suits? Love. This. I made the skirt ages ago, but I suspect I threw it out as it was made up in a cheap polyester.
Cute blouse (104) for Spring/Summer. I'd like to make it, but it won't be for a while. Perhaps TMI, but every time I read this, 'Boom for big blossoms', I read 'blossoms' as 'bosoms'. *sigh*
Trousers (107b). I know it's a terrible idea. I know it's utterly, horribly wrong. I don't care. I still want a pair of patterned capris. With flowers on. For spring obviously, and I'd shorten them as that is definitely not a good length for me.

Seam Finishing
I favour overcasting by hand because it adds very little bulk, and I rather enjoy handsewing, although it does make the process of constructing a garment much slower.
The trousers, on the other hand, I haven't yet decided. Overcasting doesn't seem right, either by hand or by machine. I don't want flat-felled seams on these pants. So what to choose?
I think I'm probably going to go for a Hong Kong finish. This is when a bias-strip of fabric is used to bind the seam allowances. It's a higher end finish that I've been wanting to try for a while, and it gives me the opportunity to try cutting a continuous bias strip from a length of fabric --another new technique for me, and I think it'll add a nice detail to the trousers. Even if it is a detail only I know about.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
I think I might be in love...

This, on the other hand, may well be sneaking its way into my collection. Why? Well, just look at that skirt. And the lines of that jacket. I need a fancy schamcy suit (why? I'm not certain), and this might just be the One.
The only thing I'm not quite sold on is the sleeves. I'm not 100% about those flounces. But then they do sort of echo the peplum.
One other point in its favour? It doesn't look like it would take a lot of fabric for the entire suit. Three metres according to the fabric table on the Vogue site. That can't be right, surely?
In other news, I've resubscribed to I subscribed for a year a while back, and while they had some lovely fabrics, I never quite managed to bite the bullet and order anything. I'm now trying to aim for better quality fabric, so we might be better for each other. Their prices range from about £8 t0 £25, which isn't too eyewatering, and I think I've already fallen in love with one of the samples on their site. And no, I'm not going to tell you which one.
Progress -- The jacket muslin

Please ignore the terrible sewing, by the way. This was a fast and dirty muslin, flung together with no real due care or attention. The 'buttons' in the top picture are circles of fabric left over from the last dress I made. :P What a slattern I am.
It's sort of a shame, because I quite liked the pattern. Possibly I would still sew it up if I could get hold of enough leather. It might work as a more casual jacket. But for the fabric I've got, I want to make him a more traditional coat. So this pattern, sadly, ain't the right one. I had a feeling it would turn out like this.
Here's a full length photo to show the way the coat fits on his body. It makes him look a little too top heavy.

We discussed it and I think we both agreed it wasn't right, so it's back to the pattern search. Not that it's going to take too long. The pattern offerings for men are sadly limited -- most of the pattern companies offer little more than pajamas and 'scrubs', which are apparently what doctors and nurses wear in hospitals in America. Am I right about that?
Vogue used to have a few more patterns, but for some incomprehensible reason chose to stop printing them. They now have a couple of suits and waistcoats and... that's it. They don't even have a pattern for a shirt! True, perhaps they don't sell a lot of men's patterns, but it still seems a real shame. There are a couple of men sewing and posting reviews on patternreview, but if a young man wants to sew for himself what chance has he got with the uninspiring collection of patterns available? Thank god for Burda, but not everyone necessarily starts off with Burda. The most obvious pattern company I always found is Simplicity and their collection of patterns for men is.... not huge. At least they have shirts.
Ah well, rant over. In the end, I guess men's patterns are never going to sell as well as women's and that's all that really matters. You can't blame them -- they're businesses after all, and it's not the easiest market. Perhaps we're lucky they exist at all.
Back to my original topic -- coat patterns for men. I think we're going to go with a simple single-breasted three quarter length coat.
Enter Burda 8275.
I'll have to make another muslin. I'm wondering if it could do with slightly more shaping in the waist, or a belt perhaps. It's a simple plain-cut coat, and I'm pretty sure it's the one I'll go with, partly because there isn't a whole lot of choice. Vogue used to have a similar pattern, but I think that's OOP. I do like Burda though (like you haven't already guessed?) and its slimmer fit suits Paul quite well.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Waisting Time
When I realised that, I dropped everything (I was cutting out the trousers at the time) and ran to my collection of Burda WOFs to see what choice of waistcoats (vests to the Americans) they had.

Saturday, 27 September 2008
Next Up: Black is the New Black

Yes, no longer will I be sewing grey fabric, stylish and dull and work appropriate though it is. My next two projects will be black.
This is my first go at sewing a full outfit. Whether the two actually go together remains to be seen. However, I do need a black blouse in my wardrobe.
The blouse is BWOF 05/2006 124, a blouse with gathered section seams. I'll be using a black polyester from my favourite local fabric shop.
The trousers are BWOF 08/2008 105, Marlene Dietrich men'style trousers, with wide legs and a welt pocket in the back. They also have turn-ups but I'm going to leave those off for a smarter look. I'll be using a wool from the same fabric shop as as above.
Wow, I'm really going to have to sew something colourful soon. I'm off to do some tracing.
Finished Object - BWOF 10/07 105 -- No Mouse Dress

My quest for perfect photos continues. Paul took this one, but Arsenal were playing and he didn't quite have his mind on the job. Also, I appear to be turning into a flamingo. What the hell happened to my other leg?
My Review
Pattern Description: From the Burda website:
'No little grey mouse here! Clever details turn this dress into an eyecatcher! It sports a trendy empire waist seam, a skirt with unpressed pleats, a self-fabric belt and seam pockets accentuated by button-down tabs.'
Pattern Sizing:The usual Burda sizes, 36-44. I made a 40, which is the size I normally make. It is, as other reviewers have noted, very close fitting, especially in the bust.
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes, very similar. My pleats don't seem to be showing too well, but they look lovelier in person, honest.
Were the instructions easy to follow? I didn't take too much notice of them, but yes -- I didn't come across any problems with them. I used the same construction method I'd use with any dress like this.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? The pleats! They give the skirt a lovely swingy shape. As for dislikes, I don't really have any. One thing I will mention is the pleats in the back accentuate the burves of the bottom -- e.g. they made it look bigger. This isn't something I have an issue with. I like my curves and as long as they're kept in proportion and my waist is defined I'm all for clothes that make them look curvier. Other people may not feel the same way.
It is very close fitting, definitely designed for a stretch woven. It is a little tight on me, something which is more evident in the back, but it's not so tight that it's unwearable, and it's fine over my breasts. I'm very happy with how the dress looks in the front. It's pulling a little in the back and at the arms, but not too badly (standing with hands on my hips doesn't help).
In all, I'm happy with the amount of ease, but I think I probably hit on a fabric with the perfect amount of stretch.
I finished the seams with hand overcasting, my favourite method of finishing when I'm feeling a tad masochistic. Makes the process slower, but I enjoy hand sewing and find it very relaxing.
I self-lined the bodice only, not the skirt. The fabric has enough weight not to need lining.
I also used vilene bias tape (what Burda used to confusingly call 'fuse and fold) to stabilise the neck and armholes and I love it. This stuff makes stabilising curves so much quicker and easier. It's a strip of interfacing cut on the bias with a chain (?) stitch along one edge.
Fabric Used: A stretch woven from the sadly missed Croft Mill. I can't quite remember what it was, but I have a feeling it was mostly cotton. Whatever it was, I llove it and wish I'd bought more. I bought it specifically for this pattern, and honestly I don't think I could have made a better choice. They were perfect for each other.
Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made: None. Well, I left off the pocket tabs, but that doesn't really count. The dress has a cleaner look without them.
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?I would definitely recommend it, however I would definitely suggest using a stretch woven. As for making it again, I probably won't because... really, how many dresses do I need, and there's plenty more patterns that I'd like to try.
However, one thing I am contemplating is leaving off the bodice part and turning it into a high-waisted skirt. The one issue would be figuring how to line/face it, but I think it would look beautiful with the right rabric.
Conclusion: Interestingly, Burda have made this into one of their regular patterns, 7759. At least, it looks very similar indeed. The fabric recommendations are 'Poplin, crepe fabric, flannel, tweed', nothing in there about stretch, that I can see, so perhaps it's sized differently.
If you do find the perfect fabric, then do consider this. It's a simple classic pattern, which is smart and work-appropriate, with a flattering shape. It's also not too low cut, which is rare for Burda. Although, admittedly, my definition of low-cut may not be the same as yours.
Catching Up
I went into Macculloch and Wallis, and manahed to pick up a couple of things I needed. It's a little too chaotic in that shop though. I've always preferred to find things for myself rather than asking the assistants for everything.... But that's what they're there for.
I'm working on the No Mouse dress today -- managed to set in the sleeves quite nicely, and I've decided to leave off the sleeve tabs as I think I'll like it better without them. So that's one less task to do.
Now I'm going to stick a sewing podcast on and with any luck I'll be able to get it finished.
And then I can start something else. And it won't be grey!
(It'll be black. *Sigh*)
Friday, 26 September 2008
On the subject of zips...
The details on finishing the zip of the zip and attaching a facing are usually pretty vague.
I have just found an interesting tip here on Scroll down to tip number 9. It suggests using a longer zip and intersting it with the tab above the seam for the waistband. In other words you sew underneath the little plastic tab. Makes sense to me, and I'll try that next time.
I'd also like to branch out into other types of zip, because it seems like the only zips I sew are invisible and fly zips. Actually, what do I mean 'seems'? They ARE the only ones I sew.
BWOF 10/07 105 - Grey Dress - Progress
I managed to fix the facing last night. The invisible zip doesn't look perfect, but it's better than it was, and it's enough for me. I also got the facing stitched down, and basted the armscyes of the facing and outer shell together, ready for the sleeve insertion. Go me.
Next up: the sleeves. Ideally, I'd like to get them hemmed and inserted tonight. Then there's just the belt, the pocket tabs and self-covered buttons and the hem. Don't think I've forgetten anything.
I'm really excited about this one. I've tried it on and I think it's going to be a lovely dress. Even if it is another grey garment.
I think I might be venturing to Oxford Street tonight -- John Lewis and Macculloch and Wallis. Unwise? Almost certainly. But I need to unwind after a chaotic week. I have a coupld of items in mind, a retro blouse, a long jaquard skirt and a jersey dress. All, naturally, from Burda World of Fashion. I also need a buckle for the grey dress and a strip of leather for Paul's coat, so there is actual need here.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
10/07 - 105 -- Progress
I sewed the facing to the edge first rather than the top -- call it an experiemnt -- and I'm now kicking myself. Tonight the plan it to rip the stitches attaching the edge to the facing and do it the old-fashioned way -- hand-stitching the fazing to the zip. Hopefully this shouldn't be too much of an issue, although I've already done some trimming so it might be a little tight.
I like invisible zipsm but I find finishe=ing the top of them rather tricky at times. Sometimes it seems more luck than judgement. Maybe I just need to sit down and work my way through a bunch of samples -- great idea, except that I always have something (usually several somethings) on the go, and it seems like my time would be better spent on those.
Anyway, my task for tonight (and I do want to get it finished tonight) is to fix and finish the Facingm including pressing and understitching. If I have time to slipstitch it to the waist seam, so much the better, but I'm not going to push myself on that. It's the facing I want to get finished.
Monday, 22 September 2008
Newport News
It's all about Newport News.It's a clothing catalogue based in the US. (No affiliations here btw -- I haven't shopped there and I try to avoid ordering items from abroad so it's unlikely that I ever will.)
Their catalogue and online site has a feature called '10 Items, 10 Ways', in which they spotlight ten garments they sell and ten outfits put together using those garments. I LOVE this sort of thing as inspiration for SWAP, seeing the way outfits are put together with a certain number of basics. It's the sort of thing I buy magazines for, only they never really fulfil my expectations. These are especially good as they're work-appropriate.
So inspiring. Now all I need is fabric.
Friday, 19 September 2008
I'm going to be sewing tonight. Getting a bit twitchy as I want to be sewig now. I'm also toying with the idea of popping to my local fabric shop tomorrow to pick up some interlining for Paul's coat. I haven't even finished the muslin yet! Probably next week.
Thursday, 18 September 2008
All Quiet on the Blogging Front
I know I have been. I've also been dragging my lazy carcass back to the gym. I'm off there after work today, in fact. It's just a matter of trying to build the habit, although I know I should be going back to the classes. If I book in for one then I have to go.
I spent most of yesterday evening listening to sewing podcasts and cutting out the dress from BWOF 10/07 -- 105. I cut a little extra in the outer bodice (no room for it in the lining), but it seems like there's a lot of stretch to my fabric. Maybe that's wishful thinking though. It was a bit of a squeeze, as my fabric was narrower than I'd realised, but I got everything cut out in the end. After the gym I'm going to do any necessary interfacing, and then hopefully it should be ready to sew.
The fabric itself I think I love. It was from Croft Mill (sadly missed, at least in my household), and I can't remember what it was. It has a lovely feel to it (so much nicer than the fabric I'm using for the jacket muslin), and I think it should make up into a lovely dress.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
In Progress -- Paul's Jacket Muslin

I've made a bit of progress on the muslin for Paul's jacket, and it seems to be coming along quite well. I think I must have made a mistake tracing the collar band, as it seems to be about 1.5 cms too short. Perhaps I left off the seam allowance.
The instructions for the collar and facing were a little confusing -- it isn't clear how the facing is attached after the collar is on. The open seaming doesn't exactly help. I haven't quite made up my mind whether I'm going to use the open seaming in the finished jacket. Once the pieces are cut out I'll try out some samples and see.
That's assuming I choose to use this pattern. I like it, but as you can see in the picture, he's only wearing it over a shirt and I want it to be a proper coat rather than a jacket. I'm planning on interlining it for extra warmth. Would I be better off with a single breasted three-quarter length coat?
Finished Object - Patrones 129 - 31 - Miniskirt

This was a quick sew. I managed to get it sewn up in an afternoon. Have I mentioned that I'm not a quick sewer? I've already worn it too, as we had a sudden spell of lovely weather over the weekend. It isn't as short as it looked in the original image in the magazine -- possibly because the model is around 5'11 and I'm 5'4.
You can find my pattern review here.

Monday, 15 September 2008
BWOF 10/08 -- first thoughts
Modern Woman Don't like the styling for this at all. What happened to this model? It looks like she's just managed to drag herself away from a rabid dog before the photo was taken. Having said that, I quite like the shirt she's wearing, although those are some big turnups on the sleeves.
Do I like this shift dress? I don't know...
Classics. I question whether some of these are really classic pieces. Nice skirt though.
I think I do love this jacket though. Hungrily awaiting the technical drawing so I can see the details.
More men's clothes, which look okay but I haven't looked too closely at them yet. None of the men's patterns stand out, although the trousers look promising.
Edited to add: What the freaking hell is happening with the kids' clothes? Those are certainly some... interesting garments. Yikes.
Friday, 12 September 2008
Burda Retrospective -- 02/06

So here is the first of a series of posts running through my collection of Burda WOF magazines. I decided to start at the beginning (where else?) with the first ever issue I bought -- February 2006. PR Reviews for this issue can be found here.
This is actually a cute T-shirt now that I look at it closer. My eye has always skimmed right over it before, probably because I don't often sew with jersey. I bet it would be nice made up, with all those gathers on the waist and sleeves.
Nice jacket even if it is one of the hard patterns -- 4 dots! Perhaps I'm a masochist, but I always find myself drawn to those. I see 'For real pros' and I think, 'Oh yeah?' I will sew a 4 dot pattern though -- I think that's going to be one of my sewing goals. A jacket, of course, since the 4 dot patterns are nearly always jackets. Maybe this one? I like the lines and the neat little diagonal pockets.
A pretty chiffon skirt,, with ruffled tiers. Hard to see the details in the magazine because of the busy print.
I've made this shirt! In a stripy green. I'm not happy with it though, because I didn't set the sleeves in properly and the seams are starting to pull apart at the bottom. It might be fixable, but there's a lot in the queue before it. It's cool to see how far I've progressed.
A jumpsuit. It looks lovely, but I've decided I'm just going to say no, even if there was a recent brief resurgence. I saw a recent article saying how easy to wear they are -- just pull them out of the wardrobe and that's your outfit sorted. Not so easy when you need to go to the bathroom though.
I tried making 120A too, a chiffon overblouse but back then I didn't understand the importance of thorough and accurate marking. I was also thrown by the dropped shoulder and thought I'd make some freakish mistake. Me, rather than the pattern, I believe. Plus my loops were crap. I think I probably will try again in the future, as it does look like a flattering top if sewn with more care. It also comes with frills.
Those sort of flounces at the bottom of the skirt always put me off (115). I'm not quite sure why. I like the picture in the magazine.
LOVE this dress (124A) and I have, in fact, sewn it up quite recently. It came out very nicely indeed, maxi-length but more flattering than my other maxi dress which was Simplicity 3803, and it sewed up perfectly. I'm going to post a review on this one so keep an eye out. I'm definitely sewing this one again, possibly in the shorter length.
From a pattern I can't say enough good things about, to another that leaves me almost speachless -- 126. Wow. Those are certainly... sleeves. Oh man, I partly want to make this up just to see what it looks like. Maybe I will. I could always leave off the ruffles and just have the puffed sleeves. The blouse itself is quite simply cut.
There's a sweet suit sized for petites (129 and 130). I rather like the jacket, but I think it's very close-fitting, so I'm not sure it would be right on me. The trousers are simple and very plain.
Another lovely dress (127), which I always forget about.
You can hardly see it in the photo, but there's some very interesting pleating (?) going on in this skirt -- (128). It might be interesting to play around with contrasting fabric. Also, it looks like a simple and flattering cut.
Well, I like this jacket, although I'm not too keen on the embroidered flowers (102 and 122). I do like the embroidered edging though It would make a very pretty summer jacket, if you could find a pretty boucle. The skirt looks quite pretty too, although I'm not sure if I'd make it. That's a lot of zigzagging.
A pretty blouse (108), which I think I might make if I can find the right fabric. I like the frills.
In the plus section: a basic looking and simple blouse that looks like it'd be a cinch to sew (135), and apparently instructions for crinkling your own fabric have been included. A skirt (136) that I actively dislike from the line drawing, but seems okay in the picture and I'm sure is lovely. A cool jeans jacket (132), a nice basic long skirt (134), and some damn nice trousers (137).
And the children's section, there's some outfits for first communion, which could equally be pageboy or flowergirl outfits. A suit with a stand-up collar for the boys and some very pretty dresses for the girls.
So, my final thoughts? Well, there's some sentimental bias, seeing as this is my first ever issue. The real standout for me is definitely 124, but I'd still like to try a couple of other garments as well. It's not a standout issue by any means (it's interesting looking at the different number of reviews on PR for each issue. This issue didn't get too many), but there's some good basics in here. And I am finding myself drawn towards that blouse with the crazy sleeves. Noooo, must resist.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Only Just...

As you can see I didn't have a whole lot of fabric to spare. It's a handy little pattern for using up scraps. Maybe I'll use it for that metre of blue faux suede that's been hanging around forever... Or actually, I think I might use that for a waistcoat. Possibly the one with puffed sleeves.
Ack, there I go again. One project at a time, woman. Or... two, I suppose. Technically.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Next Up

Two Finished Objects!
First up is 112, from the 02/08 issue of BWOF. The review is here, and I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I've already worn it to work, layered over a shirt (also something that I made, now that I think about it). It fits me almost perfectly and I pulled the fabric out of a remnant bin, so cheap cheap cheap. Look at me pose in my purple tights!

Then there's 107, from the 07/08 issue. Remember that? Well, I'm happy with it now, but it's definitely a summer dress, so I might not be able to wear it for a while. The review is here.

Monday, 8 September 2008
What's Next?

Not so much 'what next' as 'what now', since I made a start on it yesterday and now have it almost sewn up. It's quite a quick project. Is it a successful one? I'm not sure yet, but it's not Autumn sewing, that's for sure. Maybe that's why I feel like I haven't made the best match of fabric to pattern, because my head is filled with charcoal greys and wool and coat patterns.
Saturday, 6 September 2008
BWOF 07/07 - Skirt - It worked!

I clearly haven't mastered the art of tucking in my sjirt, so please ignore the bunching around my waist. I usually wear tops untucked anyway.
Friday, 5 September 2008
Burda 09/08

BWOF 07/07 115 -- Meh!

I should have paid more attention to the reviews on That is what they're there for, right? All of them so far have commented on the excess of fabric in the back above the elastic.
One of Burda's interesting quirks -- there's no picture of the back of the actual made-up skirt. Now that would be interesting to see. And as you can hopefully see from the next picture, I have the same problem.

(Sorry for my not so great photographs. I'm still learning and relatively new to this.)
It's a pity because otherwise the skirt is quite form-fitting, especially in the front. It could be a very sexy pencil skirt, except for the shapeless mess in the back. I fidgeted around with some pins, indulged in some random panic sewing of random pointless darts, then decided, calmly and rationally, that it was time to step away from the sewing machine. And put away those scissors too.
So the question is how do I salvage it? On Pattern Review some of the sewers took in the seams in the back. I have a plan. I've learned when you're stuck at a point in a project it really is best to walk away and let it sit for a while. Muse over it and let the subconscious kick it around for a bit. And something occured to me.
So I'm off to see if it works. I'll get back to you. Wish me luck.
I am not a blogger!
I'm starting this blog because I wanted somewhere to document my attempts at wardrobing and my sewing progress. And my thoughts on fashion, I suppose. Whether anyone else will be interested remains to be seen, but at the very least it will be a useful tool for me. In... theory.
On the wardrobing side, my collection of clothes is like a lot of women's, I'd guess. A big black hole of jumbled crap, most of which I'll no doubt never wear. Garments I love but seldom wear because it seems like nothing goes with them. Piles of shoes that I cannot wear because... well, ow ow ow! And so much of it is cheap and just generally not very nice. Well, now I'm saying 'Enough!' I'm tired of looking like a scruffy student. Tired of wearing the same old t-shirt of jean-style trousers and t-shirts. Boring.
I want to look smarter, more professional and stylish.
So... I will be documenting any new additions to the wardrobe, whether bought or sewn, including any outfits I can put together. I might also work back through my wardrobe, and do the same with difficult or favourite pieces. Crazy? Anal? Obsessive? Well... um... Yeah, sorta. But I like the idea of taking a magazine-style approach to my own wardrobe. I do like magazines, after all.
I think more people should sew, damn it. Logic tells me that sewing is not for everyone, and fair enough... But still when I hear someone say they can't sew instinct makes me want to shake them by the shoulders and demand "Why the hell not? Do you not realise how much fun it is?"
Mostly I sew from Burda World of Fashion. Which. I. Adore. Remember the way I feel about non-sewers? Well, that's also how I feel about sewers who don't get BWOF. Seriously, sewing ain't all that cheap a hobby, and when most patterns are running £5-7, if you can buy a magazine with about 20-30 patterns for £4.30 then DO IT. Heh, am I starting to seem a little bossy? I don't mean to be, honest.
I just think starting to buy BWOF was one of the smartest things I ever did. Other than buying a sewing machine and actually starting to sew of course. I now have almost 3 years worth of back issues, and I hardly ever buy other patterns now. What's the point? Every time I find myself eyeing up a pretty dress I flash back to BWOF and remember something similar (or better) that I could make instead.
Anyway, I don't want to go through too much detail, since this was supposed to be an introductory post and not a waffly blathering one. Next I'll show you what I'm sewing at the moment, my most recent finished garments and the future projects I have lined up. Oh, and my wardrobe plan. And a couple of garments I bought recently. Uh, and probably some of my thoughts on wardrobing.
See ya!